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Breaking Through Songwriter’s Block
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Breaking The Myth: The Illusion that Every Song Was Born in a Single Moment of True Inspiration
1. Find Out Why You are Stuck and Do Something About It
How to handle self-destructive thoughts?
What to do if you are jealous of other musicians
How to get over the need to be perfect all the time
Understand what causes procrastination
Learn How to Cope with Rejection
Learn How to Write Song Drafts Not Songs
Break every Songwriting rule You Know
Steal stylistically from other songwriters, as all great songwriters do.
2. Learn from the Greats: What do these famous musicians do when they are stuck?
Bob Dylan
Paul Simon
Brian Wilson
Randy Newman
Bruce Springsteen
Leonard Cohen
3. Learn To Write a Crapy Drafts First
Write your first crapy draft
Write your second crapy draft
Write your third crapy draft
Send your crapy songs to someone
4. Let's Get To Work
Day 1: Write a Song About Feeling Stuck
Day 2: Write a Song about Your Parents
Day 3: Write a Song that Introduces You to Us as an Artist
Day 4: Write a song about a major event in your life.
Day 5: Write a song about what you want in life.
Day 6: Write a song that tells the story of someone you really dislike.
Day 7: Write a song that tells the story of someone you really like
Day 8: Write a song that says ‘I don’t care.’
Day 9: Write a song that says ‘I need help.’
Day 10: Write a song that says "I did it!"
5. Methods to Help You Remove Songwriter's Block in the Future
Write Morning Pages
Go on An Artist Date
Build a Songwriting Habit
Write During Breaks
Take a Break
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